Black Australorpe pullet or cockerel


In the Brooder
Aug 1, 2017
Mattituck, NY
Now that I have determined my Araucana is a cockerel... My black Australorpe is looking a little suspicious. Two photos of her/him. The video shows how aggressive she is with the rooster. All are 17 weeks old. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

ps: when do I stop calling them pullets and cockerels and switch to hens and roosters?! :)

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Hi Sallie :frow

Your video is not working :( is it possibly turned to private?

I know others will chime in, but I say lovely pullet. At 17weeks nothing screams cockerel to me. Don't you just love the soft velvety feathers?

You mention that she is aggressive with the rooster? She may not be ready or willing to mate, could be she is establishing herself within the pecking order as well.

I have 2 AU pullets around 6mo old - I have been surprised as to how much scrapping they do with others (always read the were docile and played well with others). Definitely not wall flowers - I like them very much though.

To answer your other question:
  • pullet - female chicken under the age of 1year
  • cockerel - male chicken under the age of 1year

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