BLACK COCHIN x EASTER EGGER.. Will I get blue eggs?

I hatched a pullet from a Dominque rooster and an easter egger hen. Pullet lays a greenish-blue egg that is so light in color it could be mistaken for white in the right light. It was almost as if the brown and blue were diluted so much they almost don't show up. Cochins are a very light brown egg so I'd imagine yours would be very similar in color.

Also, if you get a cochin fluff-butt and feathered feet with cheek muffs, I'd love, love, love to see it!
Would love to see what your Cochin x EE babies look like.
Also, if you get a cochin fluff-butt and feathered feet with cheek muffs, I'd love, love, love to see it!
We had 6 eggs, and 5 out of 6 hatched. Shockingly enough, they all turned out to be females :)

I'll try to get pictures of them later today or tomorrow. Right now they're free ranging so they're hard to find, let alone get pictures of!
We had 6 eggs, and 5 out of 6 hatched. Shockingly enough, they all turned out to be females :)

I'll try to get pictures of them later today or tomorrow. Right now they're free ranging so they're hard to find, let alone get pictures of!
Wow on so many hatching and all being pullets!!!
I have a Birchin Cochin Rooster and Easter Easter Eggers one lays a beautiful blue egg and other lays a beautiful green egg and a dark Cornish and a lavendar or buff silkie (I do who is laying the eggs yet)my rooster mated with and my Barred Cochin decided to go Broody and I am wondering what their babies will look like or their egg and if hens how many eggs will you get when they start to lay eggs? Will they lay like their moms or you donā€™t know till they start laying eggs? First pic is dad is of the Easter egger mix and 6,7,8,9th pic is the Silkie mix. She has 5 silkie babies and 2 Easter egger babies and one dark Cornish that is hatching as I type. They are 5 days old. In the rest of pic there is my Rooster, dark Cornish , Easter Eggers, my buff silkie and my lavendar silkie. All the babies came out black except the Easter egger mix the have yellow tummy/ butts. Is Das genes coming through more?


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