Black combs?


Jul 10, 2020

I have some cute patootie 4 week old chicks that I got from my gf as 'Easter Eggers'. They're a possible mix of Barnvielder (spelling is likely wrong I'm sorry!), Black Copper Maran, Wellsummer, and Amaracauna. Those are the only chickens she has, and majority of the chicks I got are black. 10 chicks, 7 are black, 1 gray, 1 white, 1 deep chocolate brown.

Anyway, some of the chicks have black combs. I know you can't sex EE by comb, and they are all rocking a different style. Some are redder than Rudolph's nose on Christmas eve so I'm just going to say roo but they vary in shade and height. I'm goinf to attach 2 photos of a couple black comb chicks. What would give them that colour? As in, which breed do you reckon?

It's around 4 weeks when you want to start knowing how many hens and roosters you have and the waiting for saddle feathers game is a tortuous one 😉
Just for fun here they are huddled up ready for me to stop taking pictures and take them inside for the night. Gawky teenage birds ❤

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