Black Copper Maran Eggs Darken during Incubation?

Mother Clucker Free Range

In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2020
I have some FBCM eggs in my incubator. I have noticed they seem a bit darker after a couple weeks of incubation. Is this a sign the eggs are no good or is this normal? It is my first time with FBCM.
Thank you in advance for any wisdom on this. ☺️
I have some FBCM eggs in my incubator. I have noticed they seem a bit darker after a couple weeks of incubation. Is this a sign the eggs are no good or is this normal? It is my first time with FBCM.
Thank you in advance for any wisdom on this. ☺
That is normal. FBCM eggs are very difficult to see into when candling.

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