Black Copper Maran Rooster with my Buff Orpington Hen makes what?!?!


very hard to predict what will come out of this mixed color hen .. but they will lay colorefull eggs .

chooks man

hard to tell if she is white or lavender or splash . she look solid ,broad shoulders .
if she is white recessive than all the chicks will be Black copper looking type .
if she is Dominant white ,than half of the chicks will white with black dots . the other half will be Black copper or some thing else .because we don t know what the dominant white gene are hiding .
if she is Splash than all the chicks will be Blue copper looking type .
all the best .

chooks man
I am curious to see how these turned out :) we currently have 1 BCM roo & a Dominique Orpington cross roo (barnyard mix) + 1 Buff Orpington pullet, 1 BCM pullet, 1 Dominique BCM cross (I think but barnyard mix) pullet & 4 blue Ameraucana chicks. We’re still a couple months away from laying to start but I’m trying to learn what I can & figure out if I want to let nature do it’s thing & have barnyard mix or separate the Roos from the pullets to control breeding. I’m new to chicken keeping
I am curious to see how these turned out :) we currently have 1 BCM roo & a Dominique Orpington cross roo (barnyard mix) + 1 Buff Orpington pullet, 1 BCM pullet, 1 Dominique BCM cross (I think but barnyard mix) pullet & 4 blue Ameraucana chicks. We’re still a couple months away from laying to start but I’m trying to learn what I can & figure out if I want to let nature do it’s thing & have barnyard mix or separate the Roos from the pullets to control breeding. I’m new to chicken keeping
Well obviously the BCM puller and BCM too would be pure BCM. Crosses can be a guessing game sometimes so you might have to breed the cross roo to figure out what results you get from him. Ameraucana with BCM results in olive eggers. Buff Orpington with BCM results (for me) a brown lacing pattern.
Well obviously the BCM puller and BCM too would be pure BCM. Crosses can be a guessing game sometimes so you might have to breed the cross roo to figure out what results you get from him. Ameraucana with BCM results in olive eggers. Buff Orpington with BCM results (for me) a brown lacing pattern.
I do plan on separating the BCMs for a bit to get pure BCM chicks, they seem to already be love birds anyhow lol (7 week roo 8 week pullet) & I definitely want an OE or 2 (but once chicken math takes over maybe 5 😂) but curious if I should just let nature do it’s thing & have a bunch of barnyard mix babies or separate the Roos from pullets for more controlled breeding. I also want to get an Ameraucana rooster at some point to have some pure chicks but I have to wait till I have more females lol. We’re fortunate our 2 current Roos don’t fight too much

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