Black Copper Marans discussion thread

oooh maybe is should offer them a lower calcium feed....never thought of that, I just assumed what the feed store sold for laying hens was what they should get. I'm interested in mixing my own feed but I worry that somehow they won't get enough of something and I'll be to blame bc i "thought I could do better". So the chickens can tell the difference between feeds and will eat what they need??

That's how I know if a hen is getting ready to lay -- she'll start eating more of the oyster shell/calcium carbonate. Sometimes chickens can act so goofy but they're serious when it comes to their diet intake. I have a very small backyard flock of usually 4 hens and I offer a variety of feeds in different forms -- all organic and some with calcium and some without so that the hens not laying don't have to ingest the calcium layer feed. It's fun watching hens free-ranging in a field of weeds and somehow they know which ones are good and which ones are toxic so avoid those.
Hello again
Sharing updated pictures of my two little ones! In the first pictures that I shared, they were only a couple of days old. The farm that I got them from called them his "Thursday/Friday hatch" so today they are a day or two past one week old. One is definitely feathering out faster that the other one! The age old question......thoughts on roo or pullet?





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If I had to put money on it then I would say the one that is feathering out faster is a roo, due to the feathering and his size, but I think the telltale sign is how quickly their comb and wattles come in and turn red.
Hello again :) Sharing updated pictures of my two little ones! In the first pictures that I shared, they were only a couple of days old. The farm that I got them from called them his "Thursday/Friday hatch" so today they are a day or two past one week old. One is definitely feathering out faster that the other one! The age old question......thoughts on roo or pullet? CHICK#1 CHICK #2 CHICK #1 ON THE LEFT AND #2 ON THE RIGHT CHICK #2 ON THE LEFT AND #1 ON THE RIGHT #2 ON THE LEFT AND #1 ON THE RIGHT
#1 is a pullet #2 cockerel
If I had to put money on it then I would say the one that is feathering out faster is a roo, due to the feathering and his size, but I think the telltale sign is how quickly their comb and wattles come in and turn red.
Out of my 8, all supposedly hatched on the same day, one seems to be betting a comb, while the others just look like they don't have as much down in that area. So if this is indicative of a roo, than I've lucked out. I won't hold my breath, though. I'm hoping for one, and only one. I need to take some close-ups, like Nancy did.
Out of my 8, all supposedly hatched on the same day, one seems to be betting a comb, while the others just look like they don't have as much down in that area. So if this is indicative of a roo, than I've lucked out. I won't hold my breath, though. I'm hoping for one, and only one. I need to take some close-ups, like Nancy did.

That's exactly how my FBCM rooster was. He was just bigger right from the start and his comb started developing almost immediately. I never thought for a second that he was a pullet!
Updated pictures =) 2 weeks old now. Chick #1 has gotten a bit bigger and has feathered out a bit more but I don't see much difference in chick #2



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now what i have found when i hatched them was that the females had black that went all the way to the toes. the males did not. so those would be roosters. i read and read and compared photos and the same for barred rocks altho they have a yellow spot on their heads for girls as well. if i were to choose from a group of unsexed chicks i would take ones with all black toes....

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