Black Copper Marans discussion thread

woohoo! My BCM hens are FINALLY letting the roosters near them. I got them last year, and they are 2 years old. My roosters were still technically cockerels at that point. Must've grown up enough because I have 2 new BCM mix chicks in the brooder (they might have been fertilized by my Isbar rooster, not the Marans, but either way they'll lay cool colored eggs)
Ok my turn for some help. Have 8 BCM at 6.5 weeks, If you look at the pictures there I put the leg tag number in the picture somewhere. #14 is likely an accidental olive egger we were planning on., Would appreciate your expert take on which ones are Male and Female and why? Thanks

They all look hens to me except chicken #45 might be a roo the obvious redddish wattle and more of copper on the neck.
That would be a wonderful hatch as we are just starting in BCM, 1 roo and 6 hens. We have 6 more eggs in the bator. We are starting Cream Lagbars too and hatch was 8 male and 2 female. Hope you are right about these BCM thanks
Hi all
I was wondering if this was a normal thing. We hatched chicks out on Easter. This chick hatched with copper hackles. We think it is a hen, due to comb development and wings/feathering. Any thoughts? We know she is a pure FBCM.


Ok my turn for some help. Have 8 BCM at 6.5 weeks, If you look at the pictures there I put the leg tag number in the picture somewhere. #14 is likely an accidental olive egger we were planning on., Would appreciate your expert take on which ones are Male and Female and why? Thanks

I agree with Spartan22 No doubt 45 is a Roo. Another great way to tell at this age is feather development. Roo tail feather especially are slow to come in while hens are much quicker to come in and longer. Also look for iridescent feathers on a roos feathering.
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Is anyone in the Ala, MS, GA area looking for some French Black Copper Maran Cockerels. I have a few too many from my most recent order, they are currently 8 weeks. If you are within a relatively close distance I will be glad to deliver. I also have a few Olive Egger Roos too many as well. They are beautiful and very friendly. [/ATTACH]
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Hi all
I was wondering if this was a normal thing. We hatched chicks out on Easter. This chick hatched with copper hackles. We think it is a hen, due to comb development and wings/feathering. Any thoughts? We know she is a pure FBCM.


That's a first for me, sorry I'm no help on this one. The majority of mine have all had just the black and white feathering and didn't develop any copper until around 4 to five weeks.

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