Black Copper Marans discussion thread

well then until it crows... it is a hen!!
That would be so awesome! As I've been reading the humongous Marans thread I've been thinking how handy it would be to save the bird pics you guys have critiqued on there and put them all in one place so Marans aficionados could see at a glance what mossiness, sidesprigs, cottontail, etc. are. I thought about compiling all the relevant pics while I was going through the thread but I blanched at the idea of contacting a dozen people to ask if I could re-use their photos in a demonstration of what Marans should not look like.

That would be so awesome! As I've been reading the humongous Marans thread I've been thinking how handy it would be to save the bird pics you guys have critiqued on there and put them all in one place so Marans aficionados could see at a glance what mossiness, sidesprigs, cottontail, etc. are. I thought about compiling all the relevant pics while I was going through the thread but I blanched at the idea of contacting a dozen people to ask if I could re-use their photos in a demonstration of what Marans should not look like.


I would be in favor of all the fault pictures being in one place also. Do them all on one thread.
Ya I was thinking that faults as they pertain across the board... Okay Mr. SOP afficinado (I bet I messed up the spelling) DON...Why don't you give me a list. what are we looking for??? Then we can give a shout out for specifics and I can have everyone funnel them through me for editing and front page posting... then you could edit and comment and we could mess around with it till everbuddies happy.

General faults for this breed etc... such as a "U" shaped back etc... Tail issues.... etc...

If we started systematically at the head of the bird and worked our way down in a predictable way we could set precidense.
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Yes! A "If your bird has any of these, don't breed it" section (like white feathers, side sprigs, brown fluff under the vent, etc.) and a section on faults that are correctable in one generation, like feathered shanks, eye-color, over melanisation, and so forth. Some pics and explanations from someone who's played around with compensation breeding would be nice, too. Like pics of straw and mahogany coupling results, over-coppering with over-melanisation, too heavy feathering on the shanks with clean-legged, that sort of thing.

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