Black Copper Marans discussion thread

By mean not breeding to other overmelanised right???? (just clarifying)
Jan, it would be much easier for you if you just listed anything that was a Marans fault or DQ . Eventually you will get them all anyway. Just put a small caption over or under the picture saying what the fault really is should be fine. From what I have seen so far most of the varieties are going to have most of the same faults anyway. Do it the way that is easiest for you.
All the same Rooster: No flash @ 7:30 PM through the hardi-cloth - was being eaten by mosquitoes so I quit and came in... may replace tomorrow with good picts... If you find a fault be sure to tell me to stick him in the "faulty BCM thread"






Great its eating pictures... (fixed)
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It is easiest for me to have a list and then go through my own pictures... as everyone could simply copy the list and do the same... Seem simpler this way for me..
Here's a few pics of some of my Bayhorsebonnie girls. It is really impossible to get any of them to hold still for a pic. The second they see me all they think about is treats and they start a frenzy !! lol




love them chunky monkeys.. I can tell those are young girls... I should take pix of my 3 year olds...
I took this just for you


and here is a young cockerel that just molted his feathers.. He will go in with the undermelanised girls. He is just 9 months old. Yep he is faulted but I hope the hens make the necessary corrections. Test mating



I must say he looks rather comical without a tail...
Little bugger wouldn't hold still at all!!!!

but you get a feeling for the width of the back... though it is shorter than desired my overmelanised girls are longer so I hope to improve things.


Slickery little bugger
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Those are some pretty fatties
I hope mine get that big!! I like your guy. He has a stocky build for his age so he will probably be huge too. Is he a BHB boy? My BHB came out with really thick combs for some reason. The girls didn't but the boys did lol.
Yep... I tried and tried and tried for him.. He isn't exactly perfect but he is the best I could get... So that's what I have to work with.. He is positive for wheaton and probably a skittles rainbow of other colors..still test hatching. I really should weigh them.. they are fatty patties... Heavy chunky lowriders... You can sure see the presley influence... Ya know what I like about the line besides the great attitude and overall health of the birds??? It is their feet.. Never had issue with their feet... the hens have rather small feet...

Oh and he is going to be a MONSTER for size... Sheesh... He towers over Charles....

Oh and on that note... both the hens in the picture are positive for wheaton as well. Not a color I have done any deliberate breeding on... As long as I use Charles on these hens I get no yellow babies. but whaha.. If I let this bugger have a go.... It is little yellow fuzzies. I have had an extremely low percentage but.. It is definetly I am watching the wheaton thread to learn more about this color.
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