Black Copper Marans discussion thread

I have 3 BCM and one has no color on her neck is this acceptable in regards to the standard and something which should be looked for ? Should she be eliminated as a possible breeding individual? She is 7 months old and none have produced eggs yet. She seems a little slow to mature and has not much of a comb or color to the comb. All are very tame. When should I expect my first eggs? Thank you for putting up with such a novice.
I have 3 BCM and one has no color on her neck is this acceptable in regards to the standard and something which should be looked for ? Should she be eliminated as a possible breeding individual? She is 7 months old and none have produced eggs yet. She seems a little slow to mature and has not much of a comb or color to the comb. All are very tame. When should I expect my first eggs? Thank you for putting up with such a novice.
Copper in pullets hackles is desirable but also hard to come by. The vast majority of pullets don't have much if any copper. Marans usually start laying 6-8 months. My guess is you are in a cooler area and they will start laying when it warms up enough.
One of my pullets with no copper lays a 6 until REALLY near the end of her laying cycle. One lays a 5 all the time and one lays a weird spotted egg (she is now living with my Ameraucana roo...) Then I have three with varying amounts of copper who all lay around a 6-7. I don't think copper or no copper makes a difference, the three I have with copper are just better bred - they have nicer type etc. when my three pullets start laying, one of my girls with no copper is going to live with the Ameraucana roo too.

I am new here, so hope I am posting my pic and question correctly. I was told that you can sex Black Cuckoo Marans by the spot on their cheek next to their eye. if this is correct the one in the front of the picture would be a roo and the one in the back without the spot would be a hen. Is there anyone who knows about this and have you been able to prove it with your own experience. Thanks so much I am enjoying all the information and pictures on this site.
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I am new here, so hope I am posting my pic and question correctly. I was told that you can sex Black Copper Moran by the spot on their cheek next to their eye. if this is correct the one in the front of the picture would be a roo and the one in the back without the spot would be a hen. Is there anyone who knows about this and have you been able to prove it with your own experience. Thanks so much I am enjoying all the information and pictures on this site.
Are you sure you got Copper Marans? They have spots on their heads and Coppers don't have spots. Cuckoo marans have spots... could you have gotten Cuckoo marans or some kind of sex link cross?

You can't sex any breed of marans by the colors on their face. They are MARANS with an s always.

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