Black Copper Marans discussion thread

I just had a chick with a copper head hatch out, it's the first time i had one of these. I remember someone posting some pictures of ones like these earlier this year but i can't seem to find them. I was wondering how they grew out. I think this is a He, i have a blue copper roo over a mix of black and blue unrelated females. this is the only one like this so far but i have 2 more batches coming up (weekly staggered hatches) so now i am wondering if there will be a whole mess of them in the next week's hatch. He came out of a speckled egg.

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I just had a chick with a copper head hatch out, it's the first time i had one of these. I remember someone posting some pictures of ones like these earlier this year but i can't seem to find them. I was wondering how they grew out. I think this is a He, i have a blue copper roo over a mix of black and blue unrelated females. this is the only one like this so far but i have 2 more batches coming up (weekly staggered hatches) so now i am wondering if there will be a whole mess of them in the next week's hatch. He came out of a speckled egg.

This looks like a blue to me. Will definitely be mossy, but it's sure a cute little tacker!
Hi all
I have just hatched my first BCM and one of the chicks is orange/brown. I have spoken to the seller of the eggs and they tell me that all her BCM are in a separate pen with no other chickens. Have any of you had orange chicks from BCM parents? Could this be a throwback to something in the genes or a colour mutation?

The chick is still drying off in the incubator so these are the best photo's I have at the moment. Would be interested to hear what you think.


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