Black Copper Marans discussion thread

My Copper maran hen hatched a chick, must be a cross chick since its yellow, aren't marrans grey as babies?
we have a few bannie roos, and a bcm rooster. so no telling who dad is. but cute no matter. hope its a another hen.

My Copper maran hen hatched a chick, must be a cross chick since its yellow, aren't marrans grey as babies?
If your marans carry recessive wheaten you will get wheaten chicks like that to pop up. I would not continue to breed them if they are carrying wheaten. That is not a good thing in copper marans and will do nothing to improve your birds.
My favorite BCM chick. Only two of the six we got as hatching eggs turned out like this...I'm thinking we got a mixed bag. At least they are all pullets...we wanted dark egg layers.
He's beautiful! There's a big bird swap in Brighton, CO this Sunday, the 9th. You might be able to find someone who is looking just for a FBCM roo!
My 2 BCM sisters finally laid at 25 weeks! I find it unusual how they both laid on the same day despite the fact that I have a number of breeds and ages of pullets and none of the same breed has ever done that before.
when does eye color fully develop? i have a bcm cockerel that is about 5 1/2 months old. His eyes look lighter than the bay color desired. Hoping it'll darken.
How easy/hard is eye color to correct?

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