Black Copper Marans discussion thread

And this is #2.....

I have another one, but he doesn't have nearly as much copper and is very flighty. I couldn't catch him....
Well first, 10 weeks is really to soon to get a really good overall opinion of your male. Second they are not ideal photos to judge either. The pictures need to be of them standing in a natural position, with the photos taken chicken level from the side. Maybe a pic of each side would be the best. That being said, the issues that pop out on both are Copper in the Breast and wing issues. I would take pictures of the wing unfolded and spread out and then post it on here.
Well first, 10 weeks is really to soon to get a really good overall opinion of your male. Second they are not ideal photos to judge either. The pictures need to be of them standing in a natural position, with the photos taken chicken level from the side. Maybe a pic of each side would be the best. That being said, the issues that pop out on both are Copper in the Breast and wing issues. I would take pictures of the wing unfolded and spread out and then post it on here.

Ok I will wait awhile and try to get better pictures
Quote: OK, heres the thing, the copper on the breast will only get worse. So I would cull both of them. I also see white tipped wings. I've never seen that before. Whole white feathers onn chicks, but not white tipped. That tends to make me think they are mixed with another breed. Both issues are culling reasons for me.
Well first, 10 weeks is really to soon to get a really good overall opinion of your male. Second they are not ideal photos to judge either. The pictures need to be of them standing in a natural position, with the photos taken chicken level from the side. Maybe a pic of each side would be the best. That being said, the issues that pop out on both are Copper in the Breast and wing issues. I would take pictures of the wing unfolded and spread out and then post it on here.

Ok I will wait awhile and try to get better pictures

OK, heres the thing, the copper on the breast will only get worse. So I would cull both of them. I also see white tipped wings. I've never seen that before. Whole white feathers onn chicks, but not white tipped. That tends to make me think they are mixed with another breed. Both issues are culling reasons for me.

x2 those were the 2 things I saw right off. the white almost looks like lacing or edging. I don't know if I have ever seen that in a copper. the first roos has too much copper the second I didn't see that much but I am on a phone and can't see great. my phone will not let me click them to enlarge them either.
My Black Copper Maran roo is finally looking like a rooster, and less like a cockerel.

Sorry that it isn't the best picture, and also excuse the messy winter cage.

So, this is Disco-man....

Well first, 10 weeks is really to soon to get a really good overall opinion of your male. Second they are not ideal photos to judge either. The pictures need to be of them standing in a natural position, with the photos taken chicken level from the side. Maybe a pic of each side would be the best. That being said, the issues that pop out on both are Copper in the Breast and wing issues. I would take pictures of the wing unfolded and spread out and then post it on here.

OK, heres the thing, the copper on the breast will only get worse. So I would cull both of them. I also see white tipped wings. I've never seen that before. Whole white feathers onn chicks, but not white tipped. That tends to make me think they are mixed with another breed. Both issues are culling reasons for me.

x2 those were the 2 things I saw right off. the white almost looks like lacing or edging. I don't know if I have ever seen that in a copper. the first roos has too much copper the second I didn't see that much but I am on a phone and can't see great. my phone will not let me click them to enlarge them either.

Ok... I actually bought these guys hoping for pullets, as 3-day old chicks. I went back and bought 3 more, which 1 is also a cockerel but he is only6 weeks old and his coloring doesn't look to be coming in copper... more of a tan color. I really only wanted the dark colored eggs, but would like to at least keep a trio, and put the rooster over my entire flock which includes EE's and Golden Comets. I may try to hatch a few chicks next year, just for myself to give me more than 2 dark layers. I am not able to put in the time, effort and money to necessarily breed to SOP like many of you do, but would like to keep the best individual that I have. The others will be going in the freezer.

So, based on what you are telling me.... #3 is probably my best bet..... Pictures below!

Good for her! She has worked really hard on her birds.
Yes she has! Pleased also that one of her turkeys was Best Turkey. She also brought some beautiful barred rocks and new hampshires. Pleased to say I have picked up a trio from her that I am hoping will put me light years ahead of where I am with my BCM. Although I did find a solid #5 in the nest box when I got home, just have to figure out who laid it!

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