Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Second week--- bigger and darker now...these are the Greenfire french imports. Only 1 or 2 of the 7 are laying so can't wait until I get all of them going.
The white is a large from one of my Breda girls.



My egg from my bcm Dixie barred rock scratched it up kicking her out of the favorite nest box though I think....not the darkest of them but a good medium level example of hers. A bit smaller than most of hers but still largest of the flock.
Anyone in Oklahoma looking for BCM pullets. I got about 8-9 pullets back from my chickens sitter tonight where they have been for the past three months while we were in the middle of our move/work relocation. I wanted to keep them all until everyone started to lay then choose the best two and rehome the rest. We however don't have coop space. The deal with the move was to go to a single breed (we had a half dozen breeds) and to reduce the flock size to less than 16 (we had been keeping around 50). So with our new 16 bird hen house and 6 bird back up coop we don't have room to keep the Marans. We hatched them the middle of April from 4 pens. They are all toe punch to mark which line they are from.
Second week--- bigger and darker now...these are the Greenfire french imports. Only 1 or 2 of the 7 are laying so can't wait until I get all of them going.
The white is a large from one of my Breda girls.

Well, obviously BCMs lay the darkest eggs. Our clean-legged Cuckoo never gave darker than #4 and usually half-dark on top/half light brown on the bottom or else large dark speckle splotches or else tiny dark speckles on light brown eggs - no 2 eggs ever looked the same and they were usually round like golf balls and not oval like normal eggs. She was so mean we had to re-home her - she was like her name implied "Cuckoo" - LOL! My friend got nice large dark eggs from her BCMs but had the same problem as our Cuckoo - bossy and mean toward other breeds so she re-homed them too.
RFR, you have the nicest birds! I adore our personality-plus Blue Breda girl from you and can't wait for our first white egg from her! The blue lacing look on her feathers is more gorgeous than any photo can capture!!! TY! TY!
Hi everyone I saved this old timer from being dog food but I'm not to sure if he is black copper Marans or a Wheaton?

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