Black Copper Marans discussion thread

I just got my first maran chicks a few months ago. Now that they are fully feathered I've noticed that they feel extremely soft. And feel almost velvety compared to the other chicken breeds. Has anyone else noticed this or know why their feathers are so soft? Sorry if this is a silly question, just curious.
don't know why either but yes he is exceptionally soft and sun glistens odd his feathers.
I'm posting all over the place so apologies if you've already seen one of my desperate posts. Does this 8 week, 3 day old Black Copper Maran look like a roo to you? It crowed a little today (quietly- a girly sounding crow) thanks!
yes definitely a roo. The soft crow will change when he's more confident in a few wks. Also he'll crow more willingly and more often. Ours started around then as well. He's 15wks 5 days today and crows between 715-845 then after a longer quiet spell when we go visit them. Very protective and loving


Everyone said Roo .......10 weeks no crowing...
I'm posting all over the place so apologies if you've already seen one of my desperate posts. Does this 8 week, 3 day old Black Copper Maran look like a roo to you?

It crowed a little today (quietly- a girly sounding crow)


It's a cockerel, they sound like kazoos at first, the bigger his chest and lungs become the deeper and louder his crow will become.
Thank you! I've found a no-kill farm for this one and his blue brother. Such nice boys. I hope I won't regret not keeping a rooster! (too late now--already ordered 2 girls to take their places)

No-Kill farm? Not much of a farm if that is true. In my experience any "nice" or "friendly" roosters turn out to be ones that are aggressive and attack people. If you don't intend on breeding you won't regret not keeping a rooster. Honestly they can become a pain to have in a flock.
I'm posting all over the place so apologies if you've already seen one of my desperate posts. Does this 8 week, 3 day old Black Copper Maran look like a roo to you? It crowed a little today (quietly- a girly sounding crow) thanks!
Everyone said Roo .......10 weeks no crowing...
Both roosters. Never heard of a girly crow lol but when they first start crowing they sound like the typical pubescent boy lol. I love all my roosters. So far we have had good luck though. Even the one bantam that can be a butt sometimes is still super easy to deal with. Hope I didn't jinx myself lol

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