Black Light Helps w/ Aggressive Behavior!

Fawn and Fam

10 Years
Apr 2, 2013
I just happened to stumble upon this and wanted to share. I had changed my red bulb to a black reptile bulb for helping w/ night time sleep. My chicks were about 2 1/2 weeks old and started getting aggressive w/ each other even w/ the red bulb. The black bulb helped them stop being aggressive at night time. When I put the red bulb back in during the daytime they immediately went back to being aggressive. I put the black bulb back in and they stopped and have been friends ever since!
I just happened to stumble upon this and wanted to share.  I had changed my red bulb to a black reptile bulb for helping w/ night time sleep.  My chicks were about 2 1/2 weeks old and started getting aggressive w/ each other even w/ the red bulb.  The black bulb helped them stop being aggressive at night time.  When I put the red bulb back in during the daytime they immediately went back to being aggressive.  I put the black bulb back in and they stopped and have been friends ever since!  
[/quote can they still see well ?
Yes, during the day they can see fine. I open the blinds to let in the natural light. When it starts to get dark I turn on one or two lights till bedtime. At night they can't see well, but well enough. That was the point for night time, it helped them to calm down and go to sleep or rest instead of being wild all night long disturbing our sleep

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