Black Oil Sunflower seeds


6 Years
Mar 10, 2016
SE Pennsylvania
Can chickens eat black oil sunflower seeds or will the shells cause crop impaction? I normally give the girls shelled pumpkin and sunflower seeds but I saw a bell made out of black oil seeds, one I could hang in the run to keep them busy. It is meant for songbirds but chickens should be ok with this too, right? Thanks
Can chickens eat black oil sunflower seeds or will the shells cause crop impaction? I normally give the girls shelled pumpkin and sunflower seeds but I saw a bell made out of black oil seeds, one I could hang in the run to keep them busy. It is meant for songbirds but chickens should be ok with this too, right? Thanks
As long as they have grit, they can eat hulled BOSS. I make homemade feed and the recipe includes 12 wt % hulled BOSS. They love it. I also occasionally toss it on the ground for them to hunt for.

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