Black oiled sunflower seeds?

sorta like WD-40 except with sunflower oil instead of petroleum product.
Just seems to reason that if they lube the reproductive tract so well, That the oil would also be coating the digestive track so much as not to allow proper absorption of other nutrients..Not saying they are bad,Just was always taught that the moisture content in a hens body(from water) played that role, same as with muscle flexibility
The oil doesn't stick inside the intestines. It ultimately works its way out, causing anything that did get stuck to move more freely again. I don't know at what point in the intestines the seeds get broken down, but probably not in the stomach which is where water would be absorbed into the body.
Lonecowyboy: My flock didn't know what to think of them when I first offered it to them, but after they figured out that there was a yummy treat inside, now they come running for them. I only offer it as an occassional treat in the afternoon. Sometimes I mix it with their scratch. Just keep offering it to them, they catch on.
everything here likes them, chickens, goats, geese and duck. i buy it in i think a forty or fifty pound bag with the shell. gobble gobble.
my birds love the sunflower seeds..they go nuts!
but I read on another forum that something in the the seeds can interfere with calcium, I cut way back..
wondering if anyone has information about that?
I know that mineral oil can affect the absorption of calcium but never heard of black oil sunflower seeds doing it. I just wonder if the black oil sunflower seeds actually need to be broken open (crushed) in order to receive the benefits from them. Just like whole flax seed needs to be freshly crushed to be effective. If given whole flax seeds, they just get passed through the body, not releasing any of its nutrients. I wonder if black oil sunflower seeds are the same. Anyone know?
I dont break any of mine, and I dont see any WHOLE seeds after they have eaten them so i would assume they are bing broken down on the way through
I do the same thing. Just throw it out to them whole seed in the shell. Haven't seen it in their poo whole either. Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing the shell either. I think they crack it open w/ their beaks most the time before goobling it down. You are must just get all ground up. Sometimes I even throw a little grit on the ground to with them, even though they have a bowl of it free choice.

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