Black Orpington chicks!!!


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12 Years
Jun 25, 2007
at the covered bridge, PA
Look what I hatched!! I am so excited. I didn't say anything about it because I was afraid to curse myself, and I wanted these so bad! Hopefully I'll be able to get a decent trio out of these and start working on them!!


Thanks everyone. I'm beyond excited. I had so much trouble finding these eggs to begin with. Hopefully in the fall some things will come together to get some other bloodlines to add to them.

Oh, and please forgive the poop front and center in the first picture
I hatched out some black orps from corancher; they are probably around 3 months old. They are gorgeous! Their color is impossible to describe, not only black, but rich green, dark purple, just wonderful. Im hoping I can get a high quality roo and a hen or two out of these babies to continue on with.
Sara, when those blacks feather out and start to mature when they stand in the sun you will see what she means - they shine green and are a beautiful irridescent sheen to the feather.

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