Black pullet from McMurray

I believe she is a Black Star or Black sex-link which are the same thing. I too have 3 black pullets from McMurray, 4 wks old and for the longest time could not figure out what they were. Believe it or not Wikapedia will give you an excellent description of the possible outcomes of these crossbreeds and why they are so beneficial to own. Jean
Thanks everyone. She's beautiful, and she'll be a good layer on top of that! I'm getting 25 more "rainbow layers" from McMurray on Monday, so I'm sure I'll be busy trying to figure out all those babies. I know where to come with questions.
in my opinion not a black sex link

i got some from mcmurray hatchery along with jersey giants, ,,,, she really doesnt look like a blk sex link. all of mine at that age/size had red feathers on their neck, and were fatter.. stockier build..

however,, my jersey giants were gangly like that and it took forever for them to grow,,, but maybe one of those???
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I wondered about JG's, as the pics at feathersite have gangly looking black JG pullets, like this one. She doesn't have yellow on the bottom of her feet, but she is a hatchery bird, so that doesn't mean all that much... I was just ruling out JG because of the mostly black feet bottoms. I spit on them and rubbed them with my finger to check the foot color this afternoon.

I assumed they put all purebreeds in the rainbow layer collection at McMurray, but when I went back and looked at the description, it doesn't say that. I hadn't even considered sex-link because I didn't think they were included in the rainbow variety. But now I don't know.

I guess we'll just watch her grow?
I don't think she's a sex-link or an Australorp. Her body type is not right for either breed. I would tend to agree with augiedranch that's she's a JG. It's the only breed that seems to fit IMO.
Your 2nd pic, looks just like the black sex link I got in my Rainbow Layers from McMurray. The top pic doesn't.
She looks to me to be an austrolorp because of her dark brown eyes. Also, austrolorps tend to be a little bit more shy, does she seem shy? The green sheen is also a tell tale sign of an autrolorp. Consider yourself lucky, austrolorps set the laying record of 364 eggs in a year, you got yourself a good layer there.

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