Black rock or black copper maran?

@Alexandra33 does this mean my girls are going to have a comb and wattle growth spurt in the near future? Asking because I honestly don’t know... and I kind of like their cute little combs and mini wattles (like tiny double chins!)
Though every bird is individual, there's a very good possibility! :) I don't believe any of my Marans grew their luxurious comb/wattles until after 4 months. :D Double chins....cute descriptions! :lau
Love Bug at 4 months vs. 9 months -
Though every bird is individual, there's a very good possibility! :) I don't believe any of my Marans grew their luxurious comb/wattles until after 4 months. :D Double chins....cute descriptions! :lau
Love Bug at 4 months vs. 9 months -
View attachment 1689979 View attachment 1689980

Thanks! The pics are very clear... bye bye mini comb and chins, and pretty red wattles to match their “Mr” look to be in my girls future... with that as a comparison, then smooth legged Marans May very well be the OP’s bird’s breed! I’ve never seen a black rock, and although I know non-featheredleg Marans are out there, I’ve never seen one... but I’m also a noob...
The three birds pictured together appear to be a Black Copper Marans, Blue Copper Marans, and a Cuckoo Marans. French Standards call for feathered shanks. The English Standards do not. As both lines were imported into the US and like most things we just crossed them all together to make a bunch at first, so you see both here. All of your pullets there appear to be clean-legged.
Definitely not a Black Rock. Rocks have yellow legs and no copper in their hackles.

@Loren the koala do you happen to be in the UK? Black Rocks aren't very common in the US, but they might be in the UK because they're still breeding Barred Rocks with male and females lines and black and white "sports" whereas we don't do that over here.

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