Black, runny poop in 3 1/2 wk. old chick...Worms???


Love My Chickens
14 Years
Jul 28, 2009
Floyds Knobs, Indiana
My Coop
My Coop
Of my 5 chicks, one has had black runny poop for a few days. At first I thought it might just be the grasshopper or worm "treats" I'd given them. Plus I'd let them into the grassy run a few days when it was warmer out, so I thought that may have messed her system up.

But I'm thinking any diet changes should have settled in by now. After searching on-line, it almost sounds like a symptom of worms. I've never seen blood in her stool, nor any worms, but her poop is quite black, and very liquidy. All the others have nice firm/hardish poop.

My dh has commented that the others are outgrowing her (but I have all different breeds, so assumed some would be bigger). They are all on medicated chick starter (Purina), and she eats and drinks well, and it quite active. Her feather development seems to be on par with everyone elses.

So 1) even though she's on the medicated feed, could she have worms? and 2) I can find Wazine 17 at Tractor Supply, but can only find Ivermectin for cows/sheep. Can I use THAT for chicks (the topical drops). And if so, how much for such tiny little creature (they're all standard breeds listed under my signature...she's barred rock.)

Thanks for help. I hope I'm overreacting and you'll tell me I'm silly and a nervous nellie...
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Hmmm...was hoping to find a match, but didn't. They had an "oily" descriptor, which sounds right, but all of the pics had at least some solid matter. Hers is very much like diarrhea...liquified soft serve (not to be gross) and black (I see no white, but no reddish blood or anything). I see nothing in it (worms). I'm feeding the medicated feed, which is supposed to help prevent Coccidiosis, right???? Could she develop that despite being on the medicated feed???

In your opinion, should I try the Wazine 17 in the water just in case???

I guess I'm hoping that someone will say "Ohhh...chicks have all kinds of poop (which is the purpose of the poop chart, if I'd found a match) runny poo is probably just a result of eating bugs and a little dirt...
Please please p[lease don't give chicks worm or grasshopper treats.........Worms and grasshoppers both carry parasites that will infect a chick or chicken for that matter. PLUS they are a little too harsh for a chicks system. No more treats until this gets cleared up. Have you given them chick grit? If not please get some right away.

Separate the sick chick from the others and give clean water and medicated starter crumbles and see if it works it way out. Keep us posted on her progress. If she won't eat the starter crumbles mix it with a little gatorade so it is soft and maybe a little more pallatable.
Yes...I've given them all fine grit. She does eat her crumbles (medicated). So I'll just keep an eye on her. I didn't know that occasional bug treats were a bad thing....
Bugs are and aren't bad things. Of course chickens like bugs like earthworms and sow bugs and crickets but all of those bugs carry parasites that can infect a chicken. They are alright in moderation but not for chicks. The poor little things are trying to build up immunity to so many things they don't need anything to compromise that.
Got it! Thanks! I totally quit on the bug snacks, and it may be coincidence (or not), but her poop seems maybe it was just not right for her system at this point. I do appreciate the feedback and advice.

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