Black sex linked?


11 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Olympia, WA
My first post -

So are these ladies black sex linked? Since my "wyandottes" from the feed store turned out to be Black Australorps, I just wanted to check and see about these other little gals.

They are significantly smaller then my other heavy breeds. Their legs appear slate to me and they have what looks like a rose comb (at least all my other chicks have single combs, and these do not).

At 4 weeks


At 2 weeks (they are the two with striped backs in the front right)


At one week


I'd love for them to be Wyandottes, since I paid a bit extra for the SLW which were actually BAs. However, what about the slate-ish legs? They aren't YELLOW yellow legs. Also the feathering is poor compared to pictures of GLW pullets - maybe poor quality? That plus the smaller size just had me wondering if they're black sex linked with rose combs.

Anyone else?
I looked at McMurray's website, since they show pictures of what the chicks for each breed looks like, and Id have to concur with the GL Wyandotte.
Their coloring will change quite a bit as they grow. Thet will molt several times before their final molt into adult feathers. As hatchery chicks they may not be the best colored, but they should look close enough to identify. Should make nice pets.


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