Black Silkie dad White silkie mom, offspring looks like what?PICS ???

bald k9

10 Years
Sep 5, 2009
Rural Edwardsville
Does anyone have any pics of offspring from a black silkie dad and white silkie mom ,or does it make a difference what color the parents were? [Black dad x white mom] [white dad x black mom]?
It will matte because the male in birds has the ZZ chromosomes and the female has ZW (opposite of mammals XX and XY (excluding the monotrems) ) in certain crosses the color gene is linked to the sex chromosome, giving two copies to the male and only one copy to the female allowing a trait to show in the male (because of two copies) and be absent in females (auto-sexed and sex-linked chickens) so it will matter who is which color.

In silkies as far as I can tell so far white is dominate, an actual white pigment that mask other colors.

the rescesive white trait is a bleaching or a muting of the colors as far as I can tell, the white in them is an absence of some or all other feather pigments.

Having 5 toes seems to be co-dominant (not true dominant), if they get two copies, both feet have 5 toes, one copy one foot has 5 toes, no copies four foot toes.

//in my hatch ALL of the chicks my silkie fathered had 5 toes on one foot usually the right foot...//

Blue skin is supposed to be dominant but again I had all of my GLW have blue skin but only half of the RIR had blue skin some had slate ,some yellow and some white - which leads me to believe my silkie is a mutt)

So from a white silkie male I got 3 white-one with slate legs, one full blue, one with white legs, 3 'blue' -2 blue skin, one slate skin, from the RIR - and from the GLW I got 3 chipmunks that became barred or banded(bars look like a sea-bright) all with blue legs - all have 5 toes on one foot, none on both feet...
???????????????????? Whaaaaaaatttt!!!!!! no just joking! thanks for the info ,I just love this site oh by the way what does matte mean? dull/ and blah feathering???
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no pics but maybe???? salt and pepper look
You will never get an answer to this. White silkies are recessive white which means they are colored birds which appear white. They could be grey, partridge, cuckoo, blue ect. Each white silkie is genetically unique...... let me repeat Each white silkie is genetically unique. The only way to know is to cross your own birds.

In a white x black it doesn't matter which is the cock or which is the hen.

ETA my misjumbled brain mistake
Thanks Sonoran!
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Mostly inaccurate information. The only (known) co-dominant genes in chickens are comb genes. White is always the absence of pigment in the feather; neither dominant nor recessive white are considered dilution genes. At the cellular level the dominant white gene works differently than the recessive white gene, but in both cases, pigment is not put into the feather. Neither of these genes is sex-linked. White silkies are generally recessive white, although some silkies have shown evidence of carrying dominant white. However, that is an exception to norm. Five toes is dominant, but the gene can express to various degrees. If a bird has only 4 toes on EACH foot, then each parent carries at least one copy of not-polydactyly. If a bird has 9 toes, it can indeed have two copies of polydactyly, but it could also have one copy. A bird with one copy can have 10 toes. Black/blue skin is a dominant trait. Yellow skin is recessive (different gene, though).

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