Black silkies

Can't wait to see a pic of that chic you have been hatching
Good Luck and hope all goes well

Love the chic pics!! Those blacks are so NICE
And love the lil buff...
I can't wait till I can move mine out to my new brooder.. Just finishing setting it up...
What is rotational line breeding?

By the way, the Lavender cockerel I got from you at the show is doing wonderfully! His name is Gabriel, named because his crow sounds more like a horn than a crow. He's paired up with Sunshine Silkies' black pullet named Eclipse (thank you Vickie!). I also have some split lavender hens from you that are about a year old now. He's King of the Harem, and a beautiful boy!!!!! Pictures to come.
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I've been hatching like mad. I'm hoping to have some nice stuff to sell at the silkie national, as well as continuing successful crosses from last year and trying some line breeding using a cock on loan who is the grandfather and some granddaughters with Amy's bloodline, as well as crossing some birds I got from her last year on decent black cocks. Here is a picture of some of my showbirds put together when I was cleaning pens.

I believe that blue is one I got as a chick at a show (came from Bobbi Porto) although I have another one just like her that is from some crosses I did mid spring 2010.
This is a Calestax Amy Jo pullet I hatched in late Jan 2010. I don't know if it was the combination of bloodlines or the fact that she was just more mature than the other pullets, but she did very well at the shows in the fall. Here she is on Champion Row at the Idaho Bird Breeders show judged by Eric Kutch.

Have I mentioned that Amy Jo has nice stuff?
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