Black silkies

Yesterdays egg count: 9 eggs
Adult chickens:::: 79
awwww that's alot of waiting ---- hmmm --- they'll start laying and you'll run out of room for them . --- hmmmm---( if that happens - I'm sure there are many of us here to help you out
) Just some of my crazy thoughts -- Tammy
How is everyones hatches going ? The last time I read this thread there were a couple of people waiting on eggs to hatch and a couple waiting on hens to lay some eggs
~~ Tammy
I am waiting for my chicks to appear they a cheeping in the eggs and 6 have pipped so far I don't see any activity on the black eggs yet only the Buff, White and B/S so far.
I have seven lovely silkie chicks that hatched. Unfortunately, my mother left the door open that connected my blue and splash pen with my all black pen. So I have five blue chicks and two black.

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