Black silkies

Thanks, I have to agree with you.
Thanks Lisser..... I posted the same question on the Silkie thread and didn't get one response...I thought other Black silkie breeders may have an answer.....maybe not?
I would breed the blue roo.
I want everyone to see my new rooster Bama. He does need a bath if he is going to his first showing next week. I hope he takes it well.

Judy I love the blacks I got from you at thelast show. I will try and get you some pics when my husband goes back next week. Things are just crazy here he only has 2 wks home this time. Trying to do a years worth of Honey-do in 2 wks is not fun in anyone's book.
HOpe to see you again soon!
I personally like my black on black breedings to keep the quality there. I've seen very few blue & splash up in this neck of the woods that can rival the blacks as far as body type and feather quality. I've been breeding them for quite a while too. The consistency just isn't there yet in the blue/splash for quality either like it is with blacks. You put them in the BBS, lav, etc pens to improve on their offspring. I also like the fact that I know what I'm getting when I mark an egg. I don't want to be guessing if its really a dark blue (which is VERY common).
Thanks for the info. Would love to see pictures of your birds on this thread!

Hi Im so excited we got our boy from Premier yesterday...Shamus one of the main cockerels of Connies black on Black line....I have to brag he is the most magnificent bird super as night and so him....we also got another black pullet...Jeans and she is just so gorgeous...if I knew how to post pics I would...on another note we took a little black cockerel who was actually purchased in a group of black pullets and became a him Suprise..he is super typey and black and has the tiniest comb he went RV in the Jr silkies yesterday..cant wait to hatch some chicks from them all....will be getting some pics up on the website as i know how to post am technologically challenged....Chris

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