Black silkies

I guess I really missed something here . I hope you two can work out what ever your differences are . I was going to go back and try reading what ever I missed but think I'll keep going forward and send positive thoughts and prayers ~~ Tammy

Amy your baby is beautiful - And thank you for answering my questions - That's - I think I will put a few hens in also -- I can put in up to 10 birds and I have 6 roos I really want to enter so I'll put 4 hens in also .

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mjk m k nmnmknkjn = My 4 yr old wanted to help me type I did get him to spell his name out in his typeing ~~~Tammy
Good luck at the show and have fun. I just sold a bunch of birds to a little 4Her girl who tried to hatch out some eggs from a pair she bought at the local auction...poor kid nothing she has a good start now and one of the whites I sold her is a brother to our RV white pullet...hope she wins at her fair this summer...I have to say Premier has been nothing but fair and kind to my son and I and has given us the opportunity to own and show some of their best stock and I want to thank all the wonderful breeders who have helped my son build his flock of exhibition birds....
Do not get me wrong, I too like and do help kids, but being in it to show and win is perfectly fine, too. It is not JUST about the kids; it is about everyone. Many people have been burned giving or selling for very little $ to "kids," so I do understand the logic of not lowering one's price. Personally I play it by ear. I want a parent that is involved in what their kid is doing, and is willing to invest in their child. Quite frankly, I'd rather see a parent pay a reasonable price for good breeding stock than purchase feedstore birds for their kids, then "purchase them" at 4H auction for $$$ and donate them back. I want to see a parent who is excited about what their kid is doing, and making sure he/she is having a good learning experience.
I know what you mean Suze... I've seen some of the splash that came from down there and wowsers. On the blacks up here we have Lintons, Schulners, and Premier that absolutely dominate. The blues and splash pretty much got left by the wayside. The Millers had some beautiful ones but hardly show anymore. Now you might see 3-4 of those at a show. Most of them still need work on overall type, hard feathering and roundness in cushion, skin color, comb shape, and especially wings from what I've seen. I keep a few splash and blues, but nowhere near the numbers of blacks/whites.
Let's keep club business off this website and either keep it to the club website or directly to those involved.

Don't know whether you entered the reports online or sent them in by hand. I do know that online reports did not always make it in, which is why I don't think they can currently be submitted that way anymore. Anyways, if you have a complaint, I suggest taking it up with the officers directly. I know that at one time the reports received were listed so that people could verify that ones send had been received. Not sure if that is still the case. Non-members are never awarded points. Personally I would like to see them at least listed in published show reports, and quite frankly, I'm in favour of giving points and awards to all kids, whether a member or not.

Anyways I'm straying from my first sentence, so I'll stop.
I don't argue with that logic either... I do charge accordingly for a pet bird versus a finished show bird too. If its just eggs/chicks/young stock, I'm not going to rake them over the coals for something that I can't guarantee quality on. I also don't believe that you should have to morgage your house to get into this hobby either. I grew up and my parents installed it into me that if I wanted something, then I had to work for it. If I wanted a horse, then I had to babysit or mow lawns to make enough money to get one. Some parents have no problem forking over $400 just on a kid's whim. What about all those kids that truly have an interest in the hobby, but have to do it on their own? Those are the kind (and older folks too) that I like to cut breaks to.
As I said, I play it by ear. I'm more likely to charge a regular price for a first time purchase, but give or trade later ones. But it depends. And yes, a young birdwould always go for considerably less than a "finished" one.
I have some friends who breed beautiful splash birds Michael Beardsley of Seriously have some really neat ones with darker splashes then you often see and the type is really good....Chris

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