Black silkies

How do you all get such good photos of your black silkies? When I photo mine in bright sun or use the flash, they show up as brown on the pictures. I can't get them to look as black as they really are. What am I doing wrong?
I've found out for me personally is to take them onto a shady grassy area. The bright green makes the colors pop and you do not have the direct sun on the black feathering to make it look brown. Using a flash also makes a great impact on your photos.

Without flash:


With flash:

My silkies don't get outside so they aren't sunbleached to that brown shade. I'm usually too lazy to take them out just for a photo shoot too.
In the barn I've found that if I don't use a flash all you will see on pics is a black blob and no features. I have a Kodak Easyshare Z981... I just stick it on auto and let it figure out the best settings.

With flash:




Without flash:




This was from a couple year ago when I had some in my backyard....
No flash:

Better when I just let the camera make the auto adjustments...
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Lost one of my 2 year old black hens yesterday in that heat spell... Fans are on, cold water multiple times a day, and just have to pray that this weather breaks soon. I talked to a few local farmers and alot of cattle and hogs lost in the last few days. This last weekend my brother got called in to one of Christensens barns to help. Lightning hit and knocked out power for a few hours. They had to pull over 6,000 dead baby pigs out of there.

Lol edited because I can't spell this morning.
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At least a breeze picked up today... Every little bit helps I guess. I rummaged through our basement and pulled out every single housefan I could find too. One of my friends just installed a window air conditioner on her 10x20' duck shed. My barn is a huge old 50x100' brick dairy barn though... Laying has come to a standstill and birds are just sitting around panting.
Wow Amy that is awful !!! We had very humid weather here in the north but they say it's gunna get worse
I'm glad I live in the foothills , there are many lakes and ponds surounding us . It gets very muggy and hot during the day - but almost always a breeze as the sun crosses the sky . The late afternoon and evenings don't seem as bad . Sorry to hear you lost a hen . I hope the rest are doing ok. ~~~~ Tammy
I feel more sorry for those hog farmers. I'm sure they have insurance, but still... Dewpoints have finally let up a little bit and storms rolling through this afternoon.
Christensens is one of those huge commercial farmers up here. They have farms all over the mid-west and probably millions of animals. Every 5-10 miles you will see some of their hog or turkey farms around here. They have their own feedmill and elevator. They own the Pork Storks....the business that does all the AI'ing.

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