Black soldier fly ?


9 Years
Mar 11, 2010
Hope this is the right section for this post-

Could someone please post a pic of a BSF adult? I think I saw one at my compost bin, but not sure what they look like.

adults dont feed just mate and lay eggs over food when the eggs hatch and find food they are white.then they feed and secrete a pheromone that attreact more moms to the food supply where they lay more eggs .. and they gorge themselvs . when they are mature and they seem to think its time to pupate they metmorphate their mouth change, they secrete a antibiotic of sorts and they turn black and try to get away from the food to find a place to pupate ie self harvest if you use a pio-pod or include a ramp on your colony. i was thinking that the self harvest pipe could leed to the chicken run maybe a pretty flat ramp so some escape. or collect and freeze some

5-8 day as a adult and minimum of 2 weeks to several months as white larvea
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