Black sultan project?


6 Years
Jan 2, 2014
I've been thinking about starting a black sultan project, I'm thinking of starting with sultans crossed to crevecouer and then breeding for leg feathering and color, but I've never seen hatchery (Ideal) crevecouer a before and don't know from where I'd be starting. The problem with hatchery sultans I've seen is they don't have very good crests so I also considered starting with sultans crossed with white crested black polish (which seem to have the biggest crests or hatchery polish), but I'm not sure what color the chicks would be and I would then be breeding for muffs,beard, leg feathering and color.

What do you think? Which is the best route to take ? Or if anyone has any other thoughts if love to hear them
I've been thinking about starting a black sultan project, I'm thinking of starting with sultans crossed to crevecouer and then breeding for leg feathering and color, but I've never seen hatchery (Ideal) crevecouer a before and don't know from where I'd be starting. The problem with hatchery sultans I've seen is they don't have very good crests so I also considered starting with sultans crossed with white crested black polish (which seem to have the biggest crests or hatchery polish), but I'm not sure what color the chicks would be and I would then be breeding for muffs,beard, leg feathering and color.

What do you think? Which is the best route to take ? Or if anyone has any other thoughts if love to hear them

Are you set on using hatchery stock? If you are starting a new breeding project it would be better to source your foundation stock from the best genetics you can, and that, unfortunately, is not going to be hatchery stock. Your results could be fairly well skewed just by virtue of the choice of foundation stock.
I'm not looking to spend tons of money as it's just a side project/hobby so I am probably going to use hatchery birds

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