Black Swedish APA Status


In the Brooder
May 18, 2018
Does anyone know if there is an effort to have black Swedish recognized by the APA? My son has some beauties and I hate that he can't show them.
Does anyone know if there is an effort to have black Swedish recognized by the APA? My son has some beauties and I hate that he can't show them.
Hi, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

Seems like for chickens there is a category that non recognized colors can be shown in... think it might be called "any other variety".

Sorry I don't know the answer to you original question, but hopefully this will be helpful. Good luck! :fl
I have not heard of anyone that is currently working on getting them added.
Your son can still show them, but they can't place above BV since they are not a recognized variety of the breed.
No, there isn't any work being done on the Swedish Black's to work towards APA recognition that I am aways of.

I have taken non-recognized breeds to APA shows before just because part of the fun of an APA show is to see new breeds. If a breed is not recognized by APA but has a proposed APA standard make sure you enter it in the class that it would be added to if/when recognized by APA and print a copy of the standard and pin it to the coop. If there is no standard you might consider contacting the show director and seeing if you can get a table at the show to put up a project board with information on the breed. That will help everyone know what the breed is (especially the judge) and will help with the introduction on the breed. I have done project boards at multiple shows and they always add a lot to the show.

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