Black Widows!!!


15 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I've killed at least 15 black widows in the last several days, inside my home and out!! We set of bug bombs Saturday after I had one crawling in my hair in bed :( Since then I've killed a ton more, mostly outside. Its the time of year here for spiders to come inside and they're doing just that! I need a long acting bug spray to spray on the cracks outside the house, but I need something that won't hurt my chickens. It has to be strong enough to kill black widows because I have 3 kids and cant have them biting my kiddos!! Any ideas?
we had to buy something when my daughter found a scorpion in her dorm room. We found Raid Bug Barrier. It's a bit pricey at $8.00, but you use it to build a barrier around your home. Spray all doorways and windows, you might even want to spray in your attic. It has a motor in the trigger that allows you to press it once, and it continually sprays. The trigger is reusable after the spray is gone. We found it well worth the cost; otherwise my daughter would not have gone to college.
Its disturbing cuz we just bug bombed last weekend. We bought a ton of the sticky spider traps and bug barrier spray. I'm just worried about using the bug spray outside because my birds all free range :(

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