

Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Is it okay for chickens to eat blackberries? I'm assuming if they can that it should be in moderation? Actually in the area where I plan for their coop and run to be they may also get access to apples, both the eating kind and crabapples, peaches, and sometimes pecans and black walnuts.
My hens Love blackberries.
One corner of our yard is covered in wild blackberry bushes. When the berries are ripe and falling, the hens are busy patroling for berries on the ground. They don't seem to go too far into the thicket tho.
We don't have wild blackberries here...blueberries and saskatoons, yes...but no blackberries! If we want even a taste(which is all we can afford) it costs (at it's cheapest) $3.99 a HALF pint!

Plus, we have 6 people in our family! That's like having 2 each!

Oh well, we sure enjoy those 2!

ks, try telling that to the SO!! I want a goat to keep my chickens company!
(the chickens I don't even have yet
No problem telling him that at all. I busted my butt for months fighting brush and weeds on a small 3 acre section. Put the goats in there and by the fall it looked great! The goats will save me hours of back breaking work every year. Not to mention fresh goat milk and cheese that people can't get enough of!!!! Done right just a few goats can be VERY profitable.
Yeah, and as I keep telling him to no avail, I would like to have a (cheap) source of milk. Goat milk in the store in cans is very expensive. I can no longer drink cow's milk, much as I love it, due to an intolerance of the butter fat. Only milk I can drink is fat free (white water). Don't know if goat's milk has more or less butter fat, but I thought it was a good argument.

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