Blackie survives! Dont give up... Was ready to cull her two days ago...


15 Years
Dec 29, 2008
I know we're all used to the 'chicken dies' story. This one is more upbeat. 12 days ago I opened the girl's coop and it was too quiet. One of the Blackies was wheezing . ( All Barred Rocks are Blackie around here). The other hens appeared concerned. Into the house she went. I was surprised she lasted the night. I dosed her with tylan 50. I dosed the other 4 with pigeon antibiotics in their water. Then they all had had a two day drive to MA from FL, sick hen In her own separate pen. She gasped the whole way, but the AC seemed to help. She spent another week wheezing in the kitchen, making alarming noises like she would die any minute, and being force feed electroyle water and yogurt/dogfood , which I could slurry into her via a blunt needle. By Monday I was bored with the effort and ready to cull her , but I had a cold too and hadn't died, so she got a break. I upped the tylan 50 to alarming levels 3 times a day. I gave her my asthma med singular in her yougart and some albutural to the face. I rubbed nose spray on her beak. Figured she was a goner anyway and am always willing to experiment. Monday I woke up and figured she died because I could not hear her gasping. Instead she was better , still sick but well enough to eat some blueberries , and preening. Today she is cruising the yard like it never happened. All other chickens are fine. But I still have my cold. Don't give up!
Glad to hear she's doing well.

What's the Alarming level of Tylan50? Were you originally only giving once a day?
I was giving
.3 orally a few times a day for a week. She also had tetratex broad spectrum antibiotic in water.. I upped tylan 50 to like .5 , figuring I don't always get it all down her beak three times a day.. she is not a large hen and she'd lost quite a bit of weight over the week of being sick. It was only 9 days in that showed any improvement. She might have been sick longer, we were in florida and it was really hot. She was living in the house for at least 10 days. She's fine now.
I was giving
.3 orally a few times a day for a week. She also had tetratex broad spectrum antibiotic in water.. I upped tylan 50 to like .5 , figuring I don't always get it all down her beak three times a day.. she is not a large hen and she'd lost quite a bit of weight over the week of being sick. It was only 9 days in that showed any improvement. She might have been sick longer, we were in florida and it was really hot. She was living in the house for at least 10 days. She's fine now.
So she must be a tiny hen at .3ml or even .5ml! Glad she's better now.

Tylan has a broad dosage range of 10-40mg/kg and it is given 3 times a day for 5 days.
So she must be a tiny hen at .3ml or even .5ml! Glad she's better now.

Tylan has a broad dosage range of 10-40mg/kg and it is given 3 times a day for 5 days.
my needles say 1.0 ml at the end of the needle. I went to the. 3 on the needle, then upped it to 5 about half way. A whole needle full seemed like a lot and wouldn't that be just 1.0 ml? What do you use?
my needles say 1.0 ml at the end of the needle. I went to the. 3 on the needle, then upped it to 5 about half way. A whole needle full seemed like a lot and wouldn't that be just 1.0 ml? What do you use?
Tylan dose is 10-40mg/kg given orally 3 times a day for 5 days.

"Midrange" dose of 25mg/kg is commonly used to treat symptoms of respiratory illness like Mycoplasma, so that's what I would recommend using.

Let's do some math to find out how much that comes to per pound for Tylan50.
1lb/2.2x25mg/50= .227 this is per pound. Since Tylan has such a forgiving range, I would round that up to .25mg per pound of weight. This is given orally 3 times a day for 5 days.
Tylan dose is 10-40mg/kg given orally 3 times a day for 5 days.

"Midrange" dose of 25mg/kg is commonly used to treat symptoms of respiratory illness like Mycoplasma, so that's what I would recommend using.

Let's do some math to find out how much that comes to per pound for Tylan50.
1lb/2.2x25mg/50= .227 this is per pound. Since Tylan has such a forgiving range, I would round that up to .25mg per pound of weight. This is given orally 3 times a day for 5 days.
My needles are in ml , not mg . Ml is fluid.. mg is weight right? Tylan 50 is a liquid so I do not know how to convert it to mg.

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