Blind Duck

Ah, ok. That's all normal! The neck fluffies tend to stick around a little longer because they can't reach those to preen away. They'll be gone very soon. ;)

Do they get swim/bath time? These guys are definitely old enough to be in water deep enough for them to actually swim. That will help encourage her to bathe and preen and get her feathers in order. ^-^
They will be able to have a swim in a few hours (after we fix the weakness in the pen)
I do feel sorry for the blind one with us doing all this diy. Must be scary when all you can hear is banging.
Run is fixed and they now have access to the pool.
The poor blind one hasn't worked how to get in yet, but she has been able to dip her head underwater

Aww, the poor dear! Hopefully she'll figure it out soon. Is there anything you can stack up around the rest of the pool to make it easier for her to walk up into it from all around?
Aww, the poor dear! Hopefully she'll figure it out soon. Is there anything you can stack up around the rest of the pool to make it easier for her to walk up into it from all around? 

I do have more edging stones, I will put them down in the morning. At least she can drink and dip her head in it and I'm happy she has found the food.
We discovered that one of Indian Runners is blind about one month ago. The vet thinks that she was born that way, but I have my doubts as I think I would have noticed earlier (she is about 1 1/2 years ago). She is now nesting, and fingers crossed, will be a momma next week. Our five ducks have the run of the yard during the day and occasionally she will get separated from her flock and call to them loudly. Sometimes, I go help her if she looks stuck. I could fence off a smaller run, but she seems to be doing fine.
Looks great. How does she do going down?

She is fine getting out, we have steps inside the pool for her. She had a few issues finding the door to get out of the coop this morning, but I'm sure she will learn where it is. She has already learnt where to find food.
Was great to her having a wash just after this was taken :)
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She is fine getting out, we have steps inside the pool for her. She had a few issues finding the door to get out of the coop this morning, but I'm sure she will learn where it is. She has already learnt where to find food.
Was great to her having a wash just after this was taken :)

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