Blind/handicapped Duckling

What do you mean they have accepted her but push her away? To keep a blind duckling I'd think she would have to be in a pen that is very secure with feed and water always in the same place so she can find it easy. And with a buddy that will help her find her way around. So you might try and see if she'll bond and vice versa with just one other duckling one that is laid back more than the others.
Bless you for taking it in.
I am pretty sure some of my Runners lay before daylight so most likely that won't make a difference in laying with this one.
What I mean by accepted is they used to chase her around or run and jump on her and run away being dominant. Now they leave her alone. If they’re by the water and she comes over, they bite at her face until she goes away. If they’re laying down and she comes over, they bite at her until she goes away. Just feel so bad for her that she doesn’t have a friend.
And there isn't one that might learn to like her? Someone posted on here some years back about having a blind duckling and another duckling became like a seeing eye duck always staying close to the blind one and let it know where food and water was.
I have a fawn and white Runner who stays by herself most of the time. The other Runners tolerates her but the drake will put his head down to let her know he doesn't want her near. She is such a sweet duck but for some reason has never fully been part of the Runner & Buff flock.
You might try one of your 7-week-old ducks with her one at a time and see which one might be compatible with her.

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