Blind Khaki hatchling


8 Years
Oct 28, 2011
Tehama, Nor Cal (way nor)
This Khaki hatched last night and has no eyes or eye lids but is otherwise healthy.

Has anyone raised a blind duck before? If so please tell about your experience so I can get some pointers on special needs for it.


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This Khaki hatched last night and has no eyes or eye lids but is otherwise healthy.

Has anyone raised a blind duck before? If so please tell about your experience so I can get some pointers on special needs for it.


I have seen quite a few posts of folks having blind ducks that do fine. hopefully they will see your post, most important is making sure everything stays the same inside brooder and then when it goes outside, feed bowls water bowls and watch how the other ducks will help it, also be very careful it doesn't get into a water container and not be able to get out. lots to think about but it can have a happy healthy life. All the best to you and the baby..
I have no advice...I think I'm in the same boat with you. Just had a mallard hatch that has eyes but will not open them. I can gently pull the eyelid down but it immediately closes it back. How is your duck doing finding food/water? Right now that's my primary concern.
I thought about raising the duckling but figured it would do better without so much competition so I sold it and another Khaki hatchling to a girl who has raised ducks before.
I was getting it to eat and drink before she picked it up by holding it by the body and tilting it toward the waterer or feeder. It got use to it and would dip its head down looking for the water or food. I showed her to do that. I haven't heard from her since and lost her number after I dropped my phone the other day and broke it. I'm hoping she will contact me to let me know how it's doing soon.
I thought about raising the duckling but figured it would do better without so much competition so I sold it and another Khaki hatchling to a girl who has raised ducks before.
I was getting it to eat and drink before she picked it up by holding it by the body and tilting it toward the waterer or feeder. It got use to it and would dip its head down looking for the water or food. I showed her to do that. I haven't heard from her since and lost her number after I dropped my phone the other day and broke it. I'm hoping she will contact me to let me know how it's doing soon.
I hope it will have a happy life.
I just got an update. She says it is still happy and healthy. She got a chicken hen also and she says that they help the blind duckling with everything. It sounds pretty cute.
I just got an update. She says it is still happy and healthy. She got a chicken hen also and she says that they help the blind duckling with everything. It sounds pretty cute.
thanks so much for updating..

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