Blood feather


Goose and Chicken Enthusiast
Jul 4, 2017
I bought two pairs of young Sebastopol geese today and I got home and noticed that one of them has a pretty bad looking blood feather. It is the one on the tip of his wing and it is sticking out. What should I do with it? I attached a pic below.
You'll have to stop the bleeding. If you have styptic powder, use that. If not, try corn starch. If you can't get the bleeding to stop, or if he keeps whacking it off something and starting it bleeding again (total possibility due to the position on the tip of the wing) you're going to want to pull it. You might need a pair of pliers to get a good enough grip on it to do so.
When I've had any bird with a broken blood feather, I have always pulled it. Pliers help as the feather will be slick and hard to hold. It's just so difficult to stop bleeding in a blood feather as the tube is so smooth. Hard to form a clot there.

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