Blood in an Egg?


10 Years
Aug 26, 2009
Gibbs Farm
Good morning. My RRR's and PR's have been laying for about a month now. I have been giving eggs to my friends and family. I gave a doz to a girl I would like to date, and she told me that one of them had blood in it. Any idea what caused that? Thank you.
Is it just a small speck? That happens with ours occasionally, and I don't stress it too much. It's from blood breaking away from a blood vessel while the egg is forming.
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I don't know either but I have had a few Marans eggs that look like blood in the yolk when I scramble it. It kind of swirls around and I can't tell if it is blood.

Is this what you mean?
I've had that happen once in awhile, that's why it's always a good idea to crack eggs (store or farm) into a seperate bowl first. It's more common with young hens and doesn't have anything to do with whether or not the egg is fertile. It's just a glitch in the system and nothing to be worried about.
I'm talking about the large swirl that is easily visiable as soon as the egg is cracked. I've had a few of them, but the one that stands out was one of my BA's first egg. I watched her lay it, collected it right afterwards and cooked it that night so there was no doubt about it's freshness. My understanding is that it can happen with pullets that are just starting to lay and getting their systems worked out or from some minor trauma to the hen during the egg formation process, such as a hard landing off the roost in the morning. You don't see it very often from store bought eggs because they're usually weeded out when they candle the eggs. It looks gross, but is not anything to worry about. I've only seen three in the last 18 months or so from 20 +/- hens.

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