"Blood red" yolks...What is happening?

We had eggs for a while where the white of the egg was an almost fluorescent green. Apparently caused by eating a lot of chlorophyll rich foods.

Years ago, when we kept goats, we had an interesting batch of milk with a distinctly peachy taste, which is exactly what they had eaten!
No, no, no, the egg was NOT fertilized. A fertilized egg will have a noticeable whitish spot on the yolk, with the yolk showing through in the center of the spot, like a 'bullseye'. Anyone who 'raised chickens for 10 years' would know this, if they also bred them to get new broods of chicks.
It is possible (and not uncommon) that a blood vessel can break during the forming of the egg inside the hen (the yolk is initially enclosed in a sac filled with blood vessels). Usually, those ruptures heal quickly, resulting in only a 'blood spot' on the yolk. Occasionally, the entire yolk is colored with blood, which is what you saw. These are called 'blood eggs', and while disconcerting, are perfectly safe to eat, as are eggs with a small blood spot on the yolk. If you buy your eggs from the store, you will NEVER see a fertilized egg; the factory farm hens are never near a rooster.

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