blood spot


8 Years
Jun 18, 2012
I have one hen that has a spot of blood in every one of her eggs. Does anyone know the cause and prevention of this?
Thank You
Wow that was a huge help! I don't know how old she is because a friend of mine bought her at a chicken sale. I know now that is NOT the place to get chickens. I was just getting excited wanting eggs while I wait on my chicks to get big enougt to lay. I bought 3 RIRs and 3 Golden Comets at TSC March 28th. They are doing great,I work at TSC and picked them up at the post office that morning so I know how old they are. I have found that watching my chickens go about their daily routine helps my stress. Thank you so much for your help. BYC is the best thing since sliced bread.

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