Bloody eye +wry neck + no recovery !!!! :(


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 9, 2012
So here is the story, one of my hens had a bad case of mites, she was weak and could barely stand, so I brought her inside, dusted her and she started to recover. I was almost ready to reintegrate her into the flock when she started twisting her neck and shaking, so I did some research and found out it was wry neck. I started treating her with vitamin e, selenium and poly vi sol. It has been about 2 months since I started treatment, and she has gotten a tiny tiny bit better, but not much at all. So this morning I was taking her out of her kennel to clean it, and there was some blood in the cage. The side of her face was kind of bloody, and her eye was red and bloody and a touch swollen. What happened and how can I treat it? I was thinking that maybe I should get some prednisone to treat her but I am not sure if it is very effective. Will the prednisone make a big difference and how would I get some? Thank you :)
Her eye is getting worse!!!! There are big globs of blood in her kennel, and you can actually see the blood leaking from her eye, please help me i do not want to lose her
Sorry that you are dealing with this. Can you bring her inside, and put pressure on the eye for a few minutes to stop the bleeding? Did she scratch herself in the eye? I don't know what could have caused this.
She is inside and I will try to put pressure on it, but I have no idea why it is bleeding, there are no visible scratches. Could this be because of the wry neck?
There is a respiratory disease called ILT or laryngotracheitis which is a virus that causes bloody mucus to coughed up from the nose and mouth. They also can get swelling in the eye. This may be a long shot, but could she have that? They usually have a lot of gasping and trouble breathing. I kind of doubt that this is theproblem, but thought I would mention it.
I don't think it is because she isn't having difficulty breathing, but I will keep it in the back of my head. It's just the one eye if that helps
My hen sleeps in a kennel inside of my closet, so while I was sleeping I could here her thrashing about and she kept on falling over, it is getting worse. Her eye is no better, there is quit a bit of blood in the cage and the eye is still red and puffy. I don't know if she will recover from this and it breaks my heart to see her suffer :( what should I do?
I think she is dying :(!!! She cannot stand or lift her head and the one side of her face is kind of swollen, I don't know what to do I am scared what do I do please please please help me :(

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