Bloody Poop....AGAIN! Please help!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 25, 2014
I have 10 chicks that are 4 weeks old. When they were one week old a few of them had bloody poop so I added Sulmet to their water and followed the treatment instructions on the bottle. That cleared up the bloody poop and everyone seems to be doing fine.

But today I found more bloody poop. So this is about 3 weeks since the last time. I thought that once they had coccidiosis they couldn't get it again??? Should I do another Sulmet treatment? Or should I try to find Corid this time?

I keep their brooder clean, add pine shavings every day and wipe down the roost & feeder. About every 5 days I completely clean it out.
I have 10 chicks that are 4 weeks old. When they were one week old a few of them had bloody poop so I added Sulmet to their water and followed the treatment instructions on the bottle. That cleared up the bloody poop and everyone seems to be doing fine.

But today I found more bloody poop. So this is about 3 weeks since the last time. I thought that once they had coccidiosis they couldn't get it again??? Should I do another Sulmet treatment? Or should I try to find Corid this time?

I keep their brooder clean, add pine shavings every day and wipe down the roost & feeder. About every 5 days I completely clean it out.

You might want to consider switching to Corid(amprolium)reason Sulmet targets only 2 strains of coccidiosis,whereas Corid targets 9. There are approx 11 strains of cocci that can affect chickens and they are only immune to the strains that they have had prior exposure to.
Get the Corid. Sulmet only treats two strains of coccidia, there are at least 9 that affect chickens. Once they have recovered they will have developed some immunity. BUT chickens can come down with a case of coccidiosis at any time if they are exposed to a strain that is new to them such as when new birds or brought in or they are moved to new property, or if their immune system is weakened by other illness.

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