Blue Ameraucana thread!

HI. Last spring I got two blue ameracauna pullets from a local breeder. One was a white and gray splash and one was silver. It turns out that silver stone was a rooster. Now at 1 year, he is making his way with the ladies in my flock, except the older ones, they won't give him the time of day and fight him off. But I rarely see him trying for Splash. Its like they kept the brother/sister roles won't consummate. I was hoping to possibly get some blue chicks eventually. And I was hoping for some blue eggs from her but she lays green like my Americana Easter eggers. So I guess they weren't as pure as I hoped. Any thoughts?
I am new to raising BBS Ameraucana Chickens. I recently bought 10 chicks but only 9 survived the ride through the mail. They are now two weeks old and doing well. I just put them in the outdoor brooder yesterday. Prior to that, they were in my house in a large plastic tub/tote. Every time I go to take their picture, they huddle up in the corner so I will try to get better pics later. I can't wait to see how they turn out though. I have raised many chickens over the years but never this breed. I fell in love with this breed the moment I saw them and was very happy to hear that they are calm and friendly too. I knew I wanted BBS but originally thought I was going to get Orpingtons since I had raised Buff and Lavender Orps in the past but I decided to try something new and am glad I did. I look forward to seeing your pics and learning more about them.
My first blue eggs are in the incubator.
I have 5 black AM ladies, and they have been with the splash AM rooster for over a month now.
That should give me all blue chicks, who will be bred to the blue rooster I have waiting in reserve.
I also have a very handsome black rooster, who will get his chance EVENTUALLY.
He may also be used with my Lavender AM flock for splits, to breed back to the Lavender roosters and deepen the color.
trying to think long term is hard for me. I want it NOW!
My first blue eggs are in the incubator.
I have 5 black AM ladies, and they have been with the splash AM rooster for over a month now.
That should give me all blue chicks, who will be bred to the blue rooster I have waiting in reserve.
I also have a very handsome black rooster, who will get his chance EVENTUALLY.
He may also be used with my Lavender AM flock for splits, to breed back to the Lavender roosters and deepen the color.
trying to think long term is hard for me.  I want it NOW!
I think that's the problem with us chicken folks. We want it NOW and that leads to chicken math.
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Any help with these sweet babies would be so appreciated! I hatched them myself four weeks ago, all within 3 days of one another, and I have no idea on their genders. Just as soon as I thought I did, I realized I did not
Any positive feedback will be so helpful! I'm not allowed roos where I live, so I have the opportunity to re-home and/or take to a local swap next weekend! Thanks in advance :)

#1 in the back
#2 in the front

#1 in the back has muffs
#2 in the front does not

#1 wing feathers

#2 wing feathers

Black Ameraucana, first to hatch

BA, wing feathers

BA face, little muffs
Looking for some true black/blue Ameraucana chicks, ideally near Central Florida but, shipping is ok also. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.

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