Blue Ameraucana thread!

Getting closer to blues! I lost my couple little blue juveniles due to a respiratory illness. They just never grew and faded away. :( Everyone else in that pen recovered well. But, I have 5 nice black hens, and will be putting them with this guy once he finishes quarantine for blue babies :) His beard and muffs are actually growing back in now, the ladies groomed it out of him. i was worried, but see the little stubbles coming in, so I'm happy. His legs are darker than they look, not quite slate, but pretty close. I will be picky with the babies, and only keep the ones with slate legs.
My australorps plucked my boy Einstein, he was so pretty! A long talk is needed for the girls doing the plucking
Do you currently have pullets available for sale? Would you be willing to ship to CA?

I do not have any yet, will be putting my Splash boy with the black girls in a week or so, then a month after that I will fill the incubator.
But I cannot ship, I am not NPIP at this time.
And I will only be selling unsexed chicks or possibly eggs.
My rooster is from Sharon York, the hens can from a breeder with Paul Smith lines. I wanted to ask everyone for their input on my quality. I'm wanting to sell hatching eggs but want to be sure I have real Ameraucanas and not Easter Eggers first, any feedback would be appreciated! My hens are laying sky blue eggs.
Hi!! I have 5 girls and a roo from the same line. I got mine from a breeder in OK. Mine are really nice and not EEs you definitely have Ameraucanas if they are Paul Smith lines. My roo has an amazing temperment as well! All girls started laying early this year and all eggs range from robin egg blue to sky blue to a bluey-green. I have a blue Roo, 2 blue girls a splash and 2 blacks. Very happy with my flock. I like your pics!!!
Hey sjbtigger19 if you are looking for started pullets that are blue ameraucanas then go to The lady is named Rinda and is really nice and totally helped me with buying pullets from her. She was great at sexing them too. I got 5 girls out of 6 (1 accidental Roo, but we didnt know he was a Roo till a whopping 9 months!!!!!) Im not allowed Rooster in my village (but kept him anyway since he is a such a sweet boy
) Anyway- if you want only like 5 or 6 or even more, started pullets, she will do it!!! Mine were shipped to me at 7 weeks. The Ameraucanas are the Paul Smith lines. Her Rooster is show quality as well, great pics of her breeding pairs and stuff. Check them out if you are interested in started pullets, I will always go back to her if I need more chickens!
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Hello! So, I successfully completed my first hatch last Thursday night. I set nine, and nine hatched--one was an assisted. In that count are three beautiful BAs. Can anyone confirm for me a way to sex them this early? Does feather sexing work for this breed this early? Thanks for any help :)
Hello! So, I successfully completed my first hatch last Thursday night. I set nine, and nine hatched--one was an assisted. In that count are three beautiful BAs. Can anyone confirm for me a way to sex them this early? Does feather sexing work for this breed this early? Thanks for any help :)

They are almost impossible to sex until 12 weeks and later. You can sometimes get familiar with your particular strain and find common traits that tell you sooner.

They are one of the hardest breeds to sex. I look for early challenging once they feather in. That's usually the only foolproof way for me to tell.

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