Blue Easter Egger?

Where there any other roosters around? My scant knowledge of leghorns is that the white is dominant white and that usually cancels out most other colors. He also looks heavier-bodied than I'd expect from a leghorn cross. Any better pics?
The farmer claims the white leghorn was the only rooster left at the time those eggs were fertilized, that he was positive he was the father.. There was one Sebright Bantam rooster, too, but I know he wasn't the father.

That is very strange that if white is usually dominant that he'd be buff colored. Don't you think he looks a lot like a Buff Orpington? What other chicken breeds are the color of Buff Orpingtons, I wonder? Or what colors could combine to make the color of his golden feathers? I am so curious as to his breed(s).
I will try to get you a new picture of him tomorrow. That picture in my Avatar of him is a year old. He's much bigger now, and the blue feathers on his neck have turned mostly golden with just a few blue tips. His tail is nice and big and has black feathers in it, in addition to the white ones. I'm madly in love with him. He has a huge comb, and, sadly, it has bad frostbite. He has nice spurs now, too.

Here is a picture of Baby taken today. See how much bigger he is now? He was only about 5 months old in the Avatar picture of mine, and now he is 16 months old. Also, notice his size in comparison to his half white leghorn sister at his left. She is the same age as he. What breed do you think he could be? His hackles are more silvery now. When he was little they were more blue. Check out his big spurs. Too bad he has frostbite on his big, beautiful comb! His sister is enjoying a bowl of yogurt.


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