Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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How large were the eggs when they started? Also, how many eggs per week are you getting by now?
The first egg was about 38G. They have been laying about 6 weeks now and usually get 3 eggs a day from the 4. I did get one 59G double Yolked egg. They lay better than the Crele Penedesencas that are with them in the same pen.
Hello, everyone!
I found this thread late, and wondered how the U of AR blue egg layers panned out. I would love to have a strain of pretty birds that lay large blue eggs, how are yours doing?
After laying almost non-stop for 1 1/2 years mine are going through a hard molt and haven't seen an egg in about 3 weeks.
So, I picked up a little white chick last spring . Supposed to be Americauna, or Auricauna, can't remember. Absolutely NOT either breed. She looks like a White Rock/Plymouth cross. Just started laying, and her eggs are beautiful green-blue. I got her because she was an obvious error. I also picked out a Green Polish from a brood of Cochins. Any ideas what she is? Very healthy chicken.
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So, I picked up a little white chick last spring . Supposed to be Americauna, or Auricauna, can't remember. Absolutely NOT either breed. She looks like a White Rock/Plymouth cross. Just started laying, and her eggs are beautiful green-blue. I got her because she was an obvious error. I also picked out a Green Polish from a brood of Cochins. Any ideas what she is? Very healthy chicken.

shes a easter egger
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