Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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Sorry I couldn't put it in the post above. Pics from my phone are not easy to load on BYC.

The SBEL is in the middle and the other 2 are from my new CCL pullets.


Those are some nice size eggs for CL pullets. Thats a really nice blue on your sbel egg
Wow that clinches it. I have got to have some of those SBELs for the Easter Hatchalong.
Donna, I might have to get on a list for the SBEL as well. You've done a nice job with these. Bird color/type is interesting enough, egg color as evidenced from above is great, laying rate should be good to excellent and with a little luck egg size will be x-large+. Pretty good combination if you ask me.
they dont have one, yet I bet if they had the choice they would chose to wear one as they are SUPER indeed... its a cross of a blue egger with a super productive white egger... and thus the SUPER BLUE EGGER, aka SBE was created example, CL x White Leghorn or Blue egger for the University x california grey/white
they dont have one, yet I bet if they had the choice they would chose to wear one as they are SUPER indeed... its a cross of a blue egger with a super productive white egger... and thus the SUPER BLUE EGGER, aka SBE was created example, CL x White Leghorn or Blue egger for the University x california grey/white
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