Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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I have BBS EEs that lay extremely well. I made them with Andalusians and Ameraucanas. They breed as true as any BBS breed when bred to each other. They are Easter Eggers.

Hasn''t anybody every heard of the color "Black" ? Well- most times when you breed 2 black birds together.....wait for get black chicks! Amazing, I know. You're welcome.
It is probably because Ameraucanas and Araucanas are not well known for their egg-laying abilities. They are known for ornamental that also lay blue eggs. These are blue birds that lay blue eggs that have Leghorn in their background to increase their laying abilities.
I see what you mean, but by crossing with these AR blues, you can increase egg production in the Ameraucana or Aracaunana. There really is no reason why a blue egg strain of Ameraucana or Aracauna could not be a high producing strain if due consideration is given to egg production qualities and/or if trapnest records were kept.
Some ameraucana breeders have a lacing project going on using andalusians. This will likely result in better productivity. I have no complaints about production except in the wheaten variety. The lavenders and blacks lay practically every day.

Sometimes healthy long-lived birds are more important than the number of eggs you get in a week though.
How about NO?

I have a feeling jeremy, that it was the "How about we call them EE" statement.

1. Everyone on this site wants to call every bird an EE
2. Everyone assumes that any cross is an EE
3. Dr. Bramwell's friend put lots of work into his project to have a bird that breeds true and it is a bit of an insult to insinuate that they are simply mutts that have been thrown together, although I doubt Bramwell or his friend would really care. He's probably hee-hawing at the entire thread at this point. Scary isn't it??

C'mon...let's not get this thread shut down. This is interesting and fun. If you have some issues, just take it to PM. I want to find out info on getting these eggs since I'm too freakin' far away to make a quick run to AR.
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I see what you mean, but by crossing with these AR blues, you can increase egg production in the Ameraucana or Aracaunana. There really is no reason why a blue egg strain of Ameraucana or Aracauna could not be a high producing strain if due consideration is given to egg production qualities and/or if trapnest records were kept.

With this, I had a little more thought onto this. Many people want birds that are "no frills". For example, Araucana have the tufts. Breed two tufted birds together and you have a lethal gene. They also have rumplessness that can make it even more difficult to breed. Balance issues can abound and many may have to breed via AI.

With the Amercauanas, there is the issue of the beards. Many have such full beards that it can get in the way of eating and drinking. If not properly kept, it can get into the eyes of the bird and cause infection and let's not forget the whole "mites flock to the beard" area of thought.

Just random things of why I am not impressed with the Amercauanas that I bought and some of the reasons I do not own any Araucanas.
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